The Art Of Rough Sex

We are very different when it comes to sex. While some couples stick to the basic, vanilla sex, others opt to venture into more dangerous territory, hence rough sex. Rough sex it’s a sexual release where you can show your brute strength and your lust at the same time. This kind of sex is not something…

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The Art Of Tantric Sex In 5 Steps

Guest author, Osho Shivo, will be providing us with a more in-depth guide on how you too can experience the joys of tantra! 1) Free Yourself From Negativity To begin with, you need to clean yourself up to become free from stress, anger, fear, jealousy, anxiety or any other negative emotions. You can’t carry the dirt…

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Is It Normal To Have Latex Allergy?

Hypersensitivity or allergy to latex occurs as a result of an immune system response to proteins found in natural latex gum. This type of response mediated by antibodies of the IgE type, instead of producing a defensive reaction, produce, on the contrary, reactions harmful to the organism that can occasionally become life threatening. The type…

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