Is It Normal To Have Latex Allergy?

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Hypersensitivity or allergy to latex occurs as a result of an immune system response to proteins found in natural latex gum. This type of response mediated by antibodies of the IgE type, instead of producing a defensive reaction, produce, on the contrary, reactions harmful to the organism that can occasionally become life threatening. The type of reaction produced is similar to that suffered by individuals allergic to wasp venom after a bite.

Why does the immune system react against latex?

Some, but not all people, are able to produce specific IgE antibodies against proteins found in natural rubber latex, which causes them to become hypersensitive or allergic to it. Some chemical additives added to the latex during processing have been implicated in some local skin reactions but not generalized or life-threatening reactions such as those produced by latex. You want to know what is latex allergy? Here are the options for you now.

What is natural latex rubber?

Natural latex rubber is a product of plant origin exclusively from the Hevea brasiliensis tree found in Africa and South Asia. Natural latex rubber should not be confused with synthetic gums derived from petroleum. Synthetic products including latex household paints have not been described as being a threat to people allergic to latex.

What products contain latex?

Latex is a common component in many medical devices, such as disposable gloves, cannulas for the airways and veins, syringes, stethoscopes, catheters, clothes and bandages. Many of these devices when coming into contact with the mucous membranes increase the absorption of latex proteins, favoring the appearance of the allergic reaction. Latex gloves often also produce allergic reactions due to repeated contact of the skin with latex or by inadvertent inhalation of latex particles absorbed in the softening powder contained in the gloves.

In addition, latex is also found in more than 40,000 consumer products, including condoms, balloons, sports shoes, tires, elastics for clothes, rubber toys, teats, etc. although in general these products rarely cause problems, except in extremely sensitized patients.

What are the symptoms produced by latex allergy?

Although the allergy produced by latex proteins is a recent medical problem, the symptoms produced are similar to those produced by the classic allergy to hymenoptera venom or animal epithelia.

More severe cases can produce anaphylaxis, a potentially fatal reaction that affects many parts of the body simultaneously. Symptoms are usually immediate, progress rapidly and may be accompanied by a dangerous fall in blood pressure, reddening of the skin, respiratory distress, and inflammation of the larynx, tongue and nostrils and loss of consciousness. It is important to receive immediate medical attention, before the first symptoms of an anaphylactic reaction. Treatments options and more knowlegdge about latex allergy is available at laidtex.

Continuous and maceration of the skin to be covered by a waterproof barrier. Dermatitis can also be due to a hypersensitivity to chemicals, added to the latex during its manufacturing process, in any case these problems are different from what we know as a latex-mediated IgE allergy.

When can the symptoms appear?

In most cases latex allergy symptoms appear after repeated exposure to this substance. It must be borne in mind that the reaction to latex not only has to appear by direct physical contact with products that contain latex, but on the contrary, some cases of anaphylaxis have been produced by the inhalation of latex proteins, which may be absorbed in the dust that contains some latex gloves. When the gloves are removed, these proteins are suspended in the air and can be inhaled by people present in the vicinity, thus constituting a risk for patients allergic to latex.

Is latex allergy common?

It is difficult to know exactly the actual frequency of latex allergy. Approximately 1000 cases of allergies and anaphylactic reactions to medical devices containing latex have been described in the USA by the FDA since 1988. However, it is assumed that many other cases have not been described. In a study conducted in 1994, it was found that 6% of the voluntary blood donors had high levels of specific IgE antibodies against latex, although many of them did not present symptoms with latex exposure. Other research suggests that more than 100,000 health workers in the US may suffer latex allergy.

Why is the frequency of latex allergy increasing?

It is believed that the main cause is the increased use of latex gloves among health personnel to prevent infectious-contagious diseases, such as AIDS or hepatitis B. The greater recognition and better diagnosis of this disease can also contribute to the news

Who is at greater risk of developing a latex allergy?

Mainly people who are exposed frequently to products containing latex:

Other risk factors, although of minor importance, appear to be:

  • A history of hay fever or other allergic problems.
  • A history of food allergy to tropical fruits (avocado, kiwi, bananas), chestnuts, walnuts or large pip fruits (peach), especially among those with frequent and severe symptoms.
  • A history of hand dermatitis that is severe or that has become more severe in a person wearing latex gloves.

Who is at greater risk of developing life-threatening anaphylactic reactions from latex?

A special risk is presented by health personnel with a history of severe eczema or wheals or rhinitis or asthma symptoms in connection with the use of latex gloves.

Another thing is important: intimacy during menstruation dramatically increases the risk of infections and inflammatory diseases. By the way, it is possible and unwanted pregnancy. That’s right: because the sperm, once inside the female reproductive tract, can wait ovulation for more than two weeks. So it is better to refrain from sexual intercourse on critical days.

What underwear is best to wear to always be clean and protected? Synthetic panties and tight pants can also cause infections and inflammations. That is why at present the number of young women and very young girls with chronic problems of the sexual sphere has increased dramatically. Particularly conducive to the infection of the thong, so loved by young people. It is better to wear cotton underwear, and the classical type, for example, French panties or slips.

Remember that the intimate area of ??a woman needs care not less, but even more than all other parts of our body. After all, only a completely healthy woman can always be attractive, desirable and sexy. Latex allergy is in fact featured in Medical News Today.

For those who have scars on the walls of the vagina, various postpartum and age-related deformities are likely to be difficult at first to keep the egg with just the muscles. In this case, the exercise is performed while sitting or lying down. Until the walls of the vagina are not accustomed to hold inside a foreign object.

You can start with twenty minutes. While watching TV or reading a book. Further, having taught a little internal organs to hold the egg, you can take a vertical position. If it is hard, you need to reduce the time to five to ten minutes, gradually increasing.

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